
Lambs 2 1/2- 3 years

This class meets two days a week for 2 hours. It is designed for children who are 2 by February. It is primarily a play group – a child’s first exposure to a group experience. They will begin to work on their self-help skills, transitioning from one activity to another and following directions given by an adult other than their parents. Children entering this program do not need to be potty trained.

Realizing age doesn’t necessarily mean school readiness, we use the school districts August 31 cut off date for entrance into the Dove and Lion classes.

All of the classes use developmentally appropriate practices. Activity centers are used at every age level. All classes offer art, science, music, dramatic play, stories, and outdoor play. A whole language approach is used in all classes to enrich and support the child’s learning experience. Snacks are provided by the parents on a rotating basis. Birthdays and holidays are celebrated at appropriate times.

Parents are invited and encouraged to observe all of our classes and ask questions of their current teachers as well as the teachers in their child’s next educational setting. Please check with the director about observation times.